The Modern Things Lyrics by Björk

The Modern Things Lyrics

    All the modern things
    Like cars and such
    Have always existed
    They've just been waiting in a mountain
    For the right moment
    Listening to the irritating noises
    Of dinosaurs and people
    Dabbling outside

    Engin fylgist alveg medh
    S'olin sekkur
    Engin s'er vidh m'er
    Thad er s'ol thegar hann
    Andar inn 'i m'er
    Hann b'itur mig
    Hann b'itur mig
    J'a, hann kemur medh
    Fylgir eftir m'er
    Telur ?? medh
    Siglir eftir m'er

    All the modern things
    Have always existed
    They've just been waiting
    To come out
    And multiply
    And take over
    It's their turn now...