Passion Play when All The Slaves Are Free Lyrics by Joni Mitchell

Passion Play when All The Slaves Are Free Lyrics

    Magdalene is trembling
    Like a washing on a line
    Trembling and gleaming
    Never before was a man so kind
    Never so redeeming

    Enter the multitudes
    In exxon blue
    In radiation rose
    Now you tell me
    Who you gonna get to do the dirty work
    When all the slaves are free?
    (who're you gonna get)

    I am up a sycamore
    Looking through the leaves
    A sinner of some position
    Who in the world can this heart healer be
    This magical physician

    Enter the multitudes
    In exxon blue
    In radiation rose
    Now you tell me
    Who you gonna get to do the dirty work
    When all the slaves are free?
    (who're you gonna get)

    Enter the multitudes
    The walking wounded
    They come to this diver of the heart
    Of the multitudes
    Thy kingdom come
    Thy will be done

    Oh, climb down, climb down he says to me
    From the middle of unrest
    They think is light is squandered
    But he sees a stray in the wilderness
    And i see how far i've wandered

    Enter the multitudes
    In exxon blue
    In radiation rose
    Now you tell me
    Who you gonna get to do the dirty work
    When all the slaves are free?
    (who're you gonna get)

    Enter the multitudes
    The walking wounded
    They come to this diver of the heart
    Of the multitudes
    Thy kingdom come
    Thy will be done

    Oh, all around the marketplace
    The buzzing of the flies
    The buzzing and the stinging
    Divinely barren
    And wickedly wise
    The killer nails are ringing

    Enter the multitudes
    In exxon blue
    In radiation rose
    Now you tell me
    Who you gonna get to do the dirty work
    When all the slaves are free?
    (who're you gonna get)