Mr Spindels Phone Call Lyrics by Adam Sandler

Mr Spindels Phone Call Lyrics

    Performed by adam sandler and steve koren

    [phone rings]
    [mr. spindel picks it up]
    Mr spindel: "hullo!"
    Student: [whispering] "hey mr. spindel. how's algebra class going?" [chuckling]
    Mr spindel: "whut!?"
    Student: [whispering] "you're in for a big surprise tommorrow during 5th period!" [chuckling]
    Mr spindel: "hey! who is this!"
    [student hangs up phone]

    [dial tone]
    Mr spindel: "hullo!"
    [dial tone]
    Mr spindel: "hullo!"
    [dial tone]
    Mr spindel: "who is this!?"
    [dial tone]
    Mr spindel: "hullo!"
    [dial tone]
    Mr spindel: "answer me!"
    [dial tone]
    Mr spindel: "who is this!?"
    [dial tone]
    Mr spindel: "hullo!"
    [dial tone]
    Mr spindel: "for god's sake! who are you!?"
    [dial tone]
    Mr spindel: "hullo!"
    [dial tone]
    Mr spindel: "hullo!"
    [dial tone]

    [operator recording playing "if you'd like to make a call..."]
    Mr spindel: "who is that!?"
    [recording continues]
    Mr spindel: "hullo!"
    [recording continues]
    Mr spindel: "who are you!?"
    [recording continues]
    Mr spindel: "please answer me!"

    [bleeping noise]
    Mr spindel: "oh god! who is this!?"
    Mr spindel: "please stop it! why are you doing this!?"
    Mr spindel: "why!? why!?"
    Mr spindel: "just tell me your name."
    Mr spindel: "please."
    Mr spindel: "i'm gonna hang up!"
    Mr spindel: "i'm warning you!"
    Mr spindel: "hullo!"
    Mr spindel: "whoever this is, i'm gonna hang up!"
    Mr spindel: "that's it!"
    Mr spindel: "damn you kids!!"
    Mr spindel: "damn you!!"
    [slams down phone]

    [phone rings]
    [mr. spindel picks it up]
    Mr spindel: "hullo?"
    Ted: "yeah, bill."
    Mr spindel: "oh, ted!"
    Ted: "i've been trying to get through to you forever. who have you been talking to?"
    Mr spindel: "i don't know. so help me god! i don't know!"