Love Story Lyrics by Randy Newman

Love Story Lyrics

    I like your mother
    I like your brother
    I like you
    And you like me too
    We'll get a preacher
    I'll buy a ring
    We'll hire a band
    With an accordion
    A violin
    And a tenor who can sing

    You and me you and me, baby
    You and me you and me you and me, baby
    You and me you and me you and me, baby
    You and me you and me you and me, baby

    We'll have a kid
    Or maybe we'll rent one
    He's got to be straight
    We don't want a bent one
    He'll drink his baby brew
    From a big brass cup
    Someday he may be president
    If things loosen up

    You and me you and me, baby
    You and me you and me you and me, baby
    You and me you and me you and me, baby
    You and me you and me you and me, baby

    I'll take the train into the city
    Ev'ry mornin'
    You may be plain - i think you're pretty
    In the mornin'
    And some nights we'll go out dancin'
    If i'm not too tired
    Some nights we'll sit romancin'
    Watching the late show by the fire

    When our kids are grown
    With kids of their own
    They'll send us away
    To a little home in florida
    We'll play checkers all day
    Until we pass away