Attacked By Snakes Lyrics by Aquabats, The

Attacked By Snakes Lyrics

    night falls,
    And i'm awake in my sleep
    Hot summer air blows balloons in my sleep
    Ding dong! rings the bell
    There's something at the door so i put on
    My slippers and i creep across the floor
    From the door i hear hence
    Another ding dong!
    I peek through the doorhole,
    But something's very wrong
    For on my porch are thousands of snakes,
    Waiting to stirke i feel sick and my knees start to shake

    I see no escape
    From my paralous fate
    As the serpents they siege to my country estate
    The devil has opened up hell's gate and made millions of snakes

    Big ones, little ones, fat ones, skinny ones
    Protect my from, their venemous drugs
    That spring from their fangs and its obivous ive been
    Attacked by snakes
    By snakes!

    So many snakes you could fill the great lakes
    With snakes ha ha ha!
    I run, try to hide
    But snakebites on my face testify i've been
    Attacked by snakes
    By snakes!

    So many snakes it would take
    A thousand crates to contain the snakes,
    After me
    I'd rather be burned at the stake then be
    Attacked by snakes
    By snakes!