Always Been Your Girl Lyrics by Heather Headley

Always Been Your Girl Lyrics

    Don't lie to me, even if it's
    going to make me cry /Say
    what y9ou mean, even if it
    hurts me deep inside /We've
    been good friends for years,
    and I hold that dear /But you
    cannot end this night, without
    giving me a chance to tell you
    how I feel inside /So you're
    seeing her, what's this your
    third or second date /Is it
    serious, if it is you're making a
    big mistake /Can you be
    truthful when you're alone
    with her and look into her
    eyes /If you tell me that you
    don't think of me it would
    come as a surprise / Chorus:
    / Can you tell me that I'm not
    her, say I'm not the one who
    completes your world /Who
    should wear your ring /When
    I've always been your girl /
    Can you tell me that I'm not
    the one, to be the mother of
    your unborn son /May not
    have the title, but there's no
    denial, that you feel the same
    /Cause I've always been your
    girl/ Listen to me, and don't
    you dare say it's too late /
    Now honestly, you know she's
    only a passing phase /I am
    your meant to be, your eterni-
    ty / Shouldn't settle for any-
    thing less /She may
    have your body, but I own your
    heart / To ignore this you'll
    regret /Chorus / I am your
    meant to be, your eternity /
    Shouldn't settle for anything
    less /She may have your
    body, but I own your heart /
    To ignore this you'll regret /