75 Septembers Lyrics by Peter, Paul & Mary

75 Septembers Lyrics

    In the year of the yellow cab
    In the shadow of the great world war
    The third kid grandmom had
    Came into this world
    On a rolling farm in maryland
    When wilson was the president
    And summer blew her good-bye through the trees

    A child of changing times
    Growing up between the wars
    The fords rolled off the line
    And bars all closed their doors
    And i imagine you back then
    With snap brim hat and farmer's tan
    Where horses drew their wagons through the fields

    Now the fields are all four lanes
    And the moon's not just a name
    Are you more amazed at how things change
    Or how they stay the same
    And do you sit here on this porch and wonder
    How the time flies by
    Or does it seem to barely creep along
    With 75 septembers come and gone

    Were the fields all gold and fawn
    Was the spring house dark and cool
    Did the rooster crow at dawn
    When they got you up for school
    And would you tell me once again
    The tales of grandad's hired men
    And how they drove the old road to town
